Static and Dynamic Router configuration

Dynamic and static router configuration

Dynamic router configuration refers to on the process of allowing the data to pass through the router in sending the information from one node to the others. The router also acts like a communication channel where it can communicate between different segment as well as different class. It’s like a translator that’s allowing to different communication type to communicate together.
In this router configuration, they are two different type of configuration which is static and dynamic configuration. The different between static and dynamic configuration is that a dynamic is like an “automated” configuration and static is like manual configuration over the router. Below are some examples of static and dynamic router configuration.  

The next picture show the static configuration over the router.
The arrow show on how you identify the router rip path. try understand the concept and logic of the path. If you understand this logic path, you will no problem if they add more router to configure it. hope this is useful for u.

Router Configuration (RIP)

Ok, i just want to upload my knowledge about router RIP. This router rip is used to communicate between 2 or more network segment together. for example, you want to ping from network to . You surely will get the "request time out". solve this problem you need to have a router to connect both of the network together. After connecting this router for both network segment, you need to have a router configuration to make sure that both of the segment can connect together. so..RIP is used as a medium to connect it together. Below are example of what i have done using RIP to connect my network.