Static and Dynamic Router configuration

Dynamic and static router configuration

Dynamic router configuration refers to on the process of allowing the data to pass through the router in sending the information from one node to the others. The router also acts like a communication channel where it can communicate between different segment as well as different class. It’s like a translator that’s allowing to different communication type to communicate together.
In this router configuration, they are two different type of configuration which is static and dynamic configuration. The different between static and dynamic configuration is that a dynamic is like an “automated” configuration and static is like manual configuration over the router. Below are some examples of static and dynamic router configuration.  

The next picture show the static configuration over the router.
The arrow show on how you identify the router rip path. try understand the concept and logic of the path. If you understand this logic path, you will no problem if they add more router to configure it. hope this is useful for u.

Router Configuration (RIP)

Ok, i just want to upload my knowledge about router RIP. This router rip is used to communicate between 2 or more network segment together. for example, you want to ping from network to . You surely will get the "request time out". solve this problem you need to have a router to connect both of the network together. After connecting this router for both network segment, you need to have a router configuration to make sure that both of the segment can connect together. so..RIP is used as a medium to connect it together. Below are example of what i have done using RIP to connect my network.

Wire Splitter

Ok.. today we will learn on process of wire splitter. So, what is the wire splitter. From my understanding, this wire splitter is the process of breaking the wire from one connection to have 2 connection in 1 wire. Confuse right ! hahaha… it means using 1 utp wire for 2 PC connection. Why we using it ? sometime, when you implementing a network connection, you want to upgrade it or you boss want you to add new PC or Phone in that particular area. So, u needs to buy new cable, breaking the wall for installing the cable. This is the harder process right,  to re-install the cable for only adding one or two PC.  So.. try this one. Breaking the wire into two connection. How?

First you must know, the utp cable only use 2 pair of cable for data transmit and receive. The type of wire use are

1,2,3,6 (white orange, orange, white green,green)

Cable that only used is data transferring and receiving is Pair 2 and pair 3.

The idea here is used the pair 1 and pair 4 as a data transferring and receiving.You can saperate the wire and punch it to modular jack.Please refer to the picture below.

In here, you must punch the chocolate cable to Oren place at the modular jack, white chocolate to white oren. Blue cable to green and white blue to white green.

Chocolate à Oren
White chocolate à white oren
Blue à green
White Blue à white green

You can use this type of modular jack or to make it easier. Used this splitter.

You must do the same wire splitter at the patch panel. Below are overall connections.

Picture of the splitter that have been done.

Picture uploading is still pending*

Hope this will help you guys. You can connect it to the switch to connect to more Client. Try it..

Network Management

In implementing the network management process, it involve the process of
a)      monitoring the client PC or network,
b)      process of identifying the bandwidth usage and
c)       process of mapping the network drive.
 This process is most important part and usually be done in the network. To execute this process, it required certain software to assist the user in monitoring the network. The example of software that needed are:

Monitoring client PC

Software that can be use are:
  1. PC remote admin (radmin)
  2. UltraVNC
  3. TeamView
This benefit of using this type of software is that is help the user to solve the problem face by the client without going to his/her places. This is because by using this software, the user can remotely control the client PC from it own PC without going to the client PC. This software also enable the user to fully control the client pc and enable to perform installation, troubleshooting, chatting, voice or video call. Try it.. just  type the software name and install it. Make sure you install server part in one computer and the viewer part in the other computer. Don’t forget to set the permission password. Gud luck.

Identifying and monitoring the bandwidth usage

Software that can be used ara;
  1. bandwidth controller
  2. OSmonitor
  3. Look@lan

This software is usually used by network administrator. They using this software to monitor the bandwidth usage in certain Internet connection. If the internet speed is low they can see who are the user that used the high bandwidth and limit it. So when u guys in the company or CC, you will say “internet speed here is very low” . its not about the speed that provided by the company but the software usage that limit your bandwidth usage.By using this software, it can limit the client bandwidth usage. If client using too much bandwidth for downloading a movie or streaming from youtube or whatever, the network administrator can easily cut client internet connection. The benefit from this software that I have found is that if you guys wanna use internet connection at starbug, old town coffee or whatever, you guys can view other client IP that connected through those access point. From there, you guys can cut off their internet and have the whole bandwidth only for you. It makes your internet speed faster…hahaha  

Mapping network drive

This one is basic sharing process but yet it really important in networking. This map drive enable the user to share the folder or files through the network. To perform this task

  1. From the folder that you want to share, right click and choose sharing and security. Click “share this folder on the network”.
  2. double click at “my computer”
  3. click “tool” from the task bar
  4. select “Map network drive”
  5. choose your drive
  6. “browse’ the file that you want to share.
  7. click “finish”

so you will able to shared folder or files to your LAN network.

Note for Class Usage

Basic information about Subnetting and it process

What is subnetting ?

A subnetwork, or subnet, is a logically visible, distinctly addressed part of a single Internet Protocol network. The process of subdividing a Class A, B, or C network and into smaller portions called subnets. In other word, it also describe as portions of a network diagram that branch off the project and are not on the critical path.

Reason of subnetting

There are two main reasons for subnetting.

  1. It allows you to use IP address ranges more effectively.
  2. It increased security and manageability to IP networking by providing a mechanism to create multiple networks rather than having just one

Private Address Ranges

To provide flexibility in addressing and to prevent an incorrectly configured network from polluting the Internet, certain address ranges are set aside for private use. These address ranges are called private ranges because they are designated for use only on private networks. These addresses are special because Internet routers are configured to ignore any packets they see that use these addresses. This means that if a private network "leaks" onto the Internet, it won't make it any farther than the first router it encounters.

IP Subnetting process

In performing the process of subnetting, there are 4 main process that need to be done. The process is describe below :-

  1. Determining how many subnet required?
  2. determine number of host per subnet?
  3. what is the valid host
  4. Broadcast address for each subnet

Below are the example give in performing the process of subnetting.

Question 1: show the process of subnetting for 62 Host.

Answer: In this question, it required the user to create the subnetting process for 62 host. Below are the detail process of subnetting.

1. Determine how many subnet required


62 host required means 2^6 = 64

Subnet Network : 2^2 = 4

11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000 (128+64) (8+8+8+2)

2. Calculating host per subnet

Formula 2^n-2

: 2^6-2 = 64-2

= 62

3. Valid Host

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512

Valid host : 256-192 = 64

= 64, 128,192

0+1 64-2

1 62


First Host : 1 Last Host: 62 Broadcast: 63

Overall range host calculation

R1. R2. R3. R4.

0(+1), 64(-2), 128, 192

1, 65, 129, 193

62, 126, 190

63, 127, 191




IP Address given: to to to

  1. Broadcast Ip : 63, 127, 191

Cable Code

Network Troubleshoot command

Command Prompt Error in Networking

Destination Host Unreachable:

a. The host that you are trying to ping is down or is not operating on the network.

b. No physical connectivity in your LAN

c. The ping packet find the destination network but failed to find the destination computer in that network.

Request time out

a. The ping command time out because there was no reply from the destination host.

b. It also happen because there is no connection or reply from the destination site.

Benefit of segmentation

1. reduce number of broadcast in the network

2. reduce the data collusion in the network area

3. increase network performance because less computer is connected.

4. increase the level of security in the network because only segmented group can connect to each other.

Drawback of not having segmentation

1. high number of broadcast

2. high number of data collusion

3. give impact on the network performance

4. lowing the level of security
prepared by:
ezani elias (fluke network)