Wire Splitter

Ok.. today we will learn on process of wire splitter. So, what is the wire splitter. From my understanding, this wire splitter is the process of breaking the wire from one connection to have 2 connection in 1 wire. Confuse right ! hahaha… it means using 1 utp wire for 2 PC connection. Why we using it ? sometime, when you implementing a network connection, you want to upgrade it or you boss want you to add new PC or Phone in that particular area. So, u needs to buy new cable, breaking the wall for installing the cable. This is the harder process right,  to re-install the cable for only adding one or two PC.  So.. try this one. Breaking the wire into two connection. How?

First you must know, the utp cable only use 2 pair of cable for data transmit and receive. The type of wire use are

1,2,3,6 (white orange, orange, white green,green)

Cable that only used is data transferring and receiving is Pair 2 and pair 3.

The idea here is used the pair 1 and pair 4 as a data transferring and receiving.You can saperate the wire and punch it to modular jack.Please refer to the picture below.

In here, you must punch the chocolate cable to Oren place at the modular jack, white chocolate to white oren. Blue cable to green and white blue to white green.

Chocolate à Oren
White chocolate à white oren
Blue à green
White Blue à white green

You can use this type of modular jack or to make it easier. Used this splitter.

You must do the same wire splitter at the patch panel. Below are overall connections.

Picture of the splitter that have been done.

Picture uploading is still pending*

Hope this will help you guys. You can connect it to the switch to connect to more Client. Try it..